
Showing posts from December, 2003
Monday brings with it a great deal of faffing around to makes sure money is transferred from here to my account in Britain. In Germany there are no queues in banks (or anywhere else that I can remember!) and there is no real way of knowing where to stand and wait. Susi points to a neat line of people. "See they're queueing quite nicely. There is a big poster advertising the banks relationship with the winners of the talent show Das Duel which I cannot restrain myself from commenting on. "We're the bank that backs a bunch of talentless losers" I want to know if it is better to be served by a man or a woman, this is because men tend to lecture customers as part of an extension of the German National pastime. "They are working in pairs," observes Susi. "So you can't win." "Yeah, one can read and the other one can write." Just to completely squash this predjudiced remark, a very polite bank woman walks up to us and invites...
It's quite late in the afternoon in Blaustein and I am working on O'Connors website, which though not as woeful as some, it has many of the design mistakes you shouldn't expect anymore. Underlines being the most annoying! I have been resting since the 19th and so have a lot of time to catch up with everything including this log. I have redesigned my old website using DWT files for speed and simplicity and I am planning to move all to a paid for host who provides perl. The problem with blogging is that none of it is really up to Sam Pepys and I'm often concerned and reflective that this is just a set of idle and fairly unimportant notes. Spending time making this more descriptive, more literary and more purposeful seems to involve a great deal of effort!