Dreaming of Snoqualmie Falls
I was thinking about the tv series Twin Peaks the other day and just considering how difficult I find it to watch these days. I have the first two seasons on DVD and although I have started watching them, I never seem to find the time to complete that activity - despite the multi- faceted reasons I might profess to have, including Major Hammond searching for the Stargate and not to mention Dr Trey McDonald investigating the strange murder of Laura Palmer.
Not that I ever have difficulty couch potatoing my way through other collections including Band of Brothers every Easter and the complete series of ER up to season 8 - after Mark Greene died it had descended too far into soap opera for me.
Of course the strange thing about Twin Peaks is that it always reminds of two of my best friends from the 90's Dee Conroy and Emma Burt, I can't really remember a time when Fraser Dickson and me didn't spend at least one evening of the week drinking with them and of course Twin Peaks was one of our great obsessions (along with Prince and Nirvana). I shall never forget the time when my girlfriend at the time, Geraldine Beatson, revealed to me that Dee Conroy was in fact Bad Bob. At the time the revelation was so stunning, but strangely all these years later it seems so obvious -and now I clearly remember - it was Dee Conroy crouching in the corner of Laura Palmer's bedroom!
Now I am sure that my two regular readers might wonder why I have mentioned so many real people in this blog? Well since I was going to write about them on this blog, and because it would amuse me for Dee to know that I know she is Bad Bob, I starting looking for the two of them on the web and although Emma has a 2005 entry in Friends Reunited (where she is looking for Dee!) Dee does not seem to appear anywhere on the collective font of knowledge that is the web (or even Web2). The curious thing was that the only entry for Dee is in this Blog! Now I am not a of a suspicious nature, but this seems to validate Dee's identity as the mystery evil spirit of Twin Peaks.
So here is another page dedicated to both of you and just to let you know I was wondering how you both were and if I can paraphrase Christopher Isherwood - whatever you are doing, wherever you are, it would be good to hear from you
I was thinking about the tv series Twin Peaks the other day and just considering how difficult I find it to watch these days. I have the first two seasons on DVD and although I have started watching them, I never seem to find the time to complete that activity - despite the multi- faceted reasons I might profess to have, including Major Hammond searching for the Stargate and not to mention Dr Trey McDonald investigating the strange murder of Laura Palmer.
Not that I ever have difficulty couch potatoing my way through other collections including Band of Brothers every Easter and the complete series of ER up to season 8 - after Mark Greene died it had descended too far into soap opera for me.
Of course the strange thing about Twin Peaks is that it always reminds of two of my best friends from the 90's Dee Conroy and Emma Burt, I can't really remember a time when Fraser Dickson and me didn't spend at least one evening of the week drinking with them and of course Twin Peaks was one of our great obsessions (along with Prince and Nirvana). I shall never forget the time when my girlfriend at the time, Geraldine Beatson, revealed to me that Dee Conroy was in fact Bad Bob. At the time the revelation was so stunning, but strangely all these years later it seems so obvious -and now I clearly remember - it was Dee Conroy crouching in the corner of Laura Palmer's bedroom!
Now I am sure that my two regular readers might wonder why I have mentioned so many real people in this blog? Well since I was going to write about them on this blog, and because it would amuse me for Dee to know that I know she is Bad Bob, I starting looking for the two of them on the web and although Emma has a 2005 entry in Friends Reunited (where she is looking for Dee!) Dee does not seem to appear anywhere on the collective font of knowledge that is the web (or even Web2). The curious thing was that the only entry for Dee is in this Blog! Now I am not a of a suspicious nature, but this seems to validate Dee's identity as the mystery evil spirit of Twin Peaks.
So here is another page dedicated to both of you and just to let you know I was wondering how you both were and if I can paraphrase Christopher Isherwood - whatever you are doing, wherever you are, it would be good to hear from you
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