Builders working like Trojans this evening
17:33 and some of the builders are still here. There repairing the holes cut during the last few days with reinforced concrete now that the drains and pipes have been installed. The base for the shower and the heating pipes are already in the offices waited with baited breath for their installation.

4:30 am Dagobert knocks on the living room door and when I answer, he says he thought he was downstairs(?)

Good Riddance to old Rubbish
13:20 pm Mario appeared and quickly removed the old gas heater. Seeing the back of this piece of junk is a joy to behold. We now have a great deal more room in both the office (Buro) and the living room (Wohnzimmer).
We should be able to get a bookcase in the space.
The place was built in 1907 and managed to survive the Allied bombing (possibly with the exception off the roof which looks post-war) so one suspects the gas heating system has been here since at least 1947.

The speed of refurbishment appears to be gathering pace.
More anon.


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