Dagobert Cometh. Temperature 15°C
8:25 am A delivery man rings the door buzzer looking for Mario. I suggest he might be upstairs in the old Lion's Den.
8:30 Dagobert Toadsworth appears, rings the door bell and runs away. This children's game is known as "Rap, Tap, Ginger" ( though goodness knows why) or "Monkey come down the close" (which is more informative) in Scotland . It has a Bavarian analogue but I shall have to enquire of this from The Squirrel when she finishes work. I call "Guten Morgen" as his polished antique dome disappears down the stair well. He mutters a sentence possibly containing the word 'Stadt' and Leiht but this would make no sense at all unless 'City Lends' is a new show on BWR for the confused elderly.
The temperature this morning is 15 C in the front room with the main pc on. Perhaps I should fire up the server later this evening to keep the room habitable.
10: 00 am. I take the dirty dishes downstairs to the decant department and notice that the delivery man has in fact delivered a large header tank for the Combined Heating & Power system. This is a good sign as things are clearly getting on like a sinking ship.
I also notice that the Mario Brothers - or possibly Toadsworth, have dumped a pile of copper pipes on my backyard lawn. This makes me a tad irritated, but I shall be getting even as opposed to mad.

10:30 am. The Lions buzz the door to borrow our sack barrow and I go down to the decant apartment to go it. In the front lobby the only sign of any work activity is the mess.


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