TGI Friday
7:30 am. The man that does the concrete turned up as bright as a button and finished off all the holes with their second coat of R-Bar and concrete. Almost as soon as he was finished and another member of the Dagobert Demolition team appeared with a Hilti Power Chisel that was worthy of Tom of Finland (NSF!) and he proceeded to cut the bath and the bathroom doorway to very small chunks. By the afternoon the bath was gone, the door was gone and so was the false ceiling. Not only that but the new door frame (or ceiling frame possibly, we shall have to see!) was already waiting to be fitted. Clearly Toadsworth is at the top of his game now, cos that pace of development has accelerated - perhaps it is a neurological process similar to that of the Brontosaurus powering up the second brain in it's ass. Even the painters were back downstairs in the Lions Den, slapping up wallpaper like a team of Heinzelmännschen on crystal meth. A skip even appeared outside the apartment building so I guess there must have been a bargain offer on them at Obi this week - only four weeks into the refurbishment. Maybe they will stop dumping their crap on our lawn now.
So the current status of building work has moved from complete chaos too organised chaos. I guess that's about DEFCON2.
A Scottish Summer
Temperature in the living room is a balmy Scottish summer of 17 °C although feels colder. I suspect this is to do with the thermometer's proximity to the environmentally unfriendly light bulbs that I replaced those poisonous Greenpeace Friendly mercury candles with. It is also much brighter in the living room now and I no longer feel like on of those Dickensian soot monkeys half way up a Victorian Chimney.
Whisky Galore!
More cheerfully Ann - the best boss in the world (it says here) gave me a bottle of Laphroaig which may require imminent sampling as it is the prescription of choice for victims of Toadsworth Project Management.
Cultural note: The Squirrel helpfully informs me that Rap-Tap Ginger* in Germany is called " Klingelputzen"
*Iona and Peter Opie, editors, 1959. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren (Oxford University Press) is the source of all truth on this fascinating topic.
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