Power on - Power - off - Power On
Sonic to the rescue!
Today the electricians quietly turned off the power and said it was only going to be off for half an hour. 5 hours later having zapped all the circuit breakers, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dagobert's genius 12 year-old electrician turned up at the apartment and helpfully pointed out that the circuit breakers had clicked. Then his mum shouted on him for his tea.
There is of course no point in expecting a report of further activity here today because normally things get f*@ked up in the afternoon, just before the 'workmen' leave.
So MS Project entry for today would be
- 2:30 Activity: Screw everything up.
- Resources: Sparkies - 2 Screwdriver - 1
- Time: couple minutes
The Cult of King Rolf
On an entirely different subject - we were in Hugendubel (a famous bookshop chain) and I spotted local character King Rolf, trying to read classic literature without his glasses and apparently he is a tad long-sighted. Note the Indigenous Peoples feathers, the thin white religious clothing, the (you can't see this!) bare feet even in the depths of winter and the metre long dreads.
Cult Leader by Proxy
He is (possibly unaware too) the head guru of the local internet Cult of King Rolf. It's supposed to be a really good day for you if you spot him (similar indeed to a squirrel day or a Zoe McConnell (she's a photographer now but still NSFW) day in The Soaraway). Legend (urban) has it that you have to take a photo of him and put it on your social website - so I guess this counts.
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