January - The Official Season of petty minded complaints
Perhaps it's the lack of certain green vegetables, but January seems to be the period when moaning reaches 747 noise levels here. Having spent the best part of a week preparing the sort of English exam that a five year old child could past, and despite providing them with all of the material prior to the exam and having an open book exam - some of them were still moaning.
Of course, no student in my experience in Britain ever complained to me personally that an exam was more difficult than it should have been but that's because students only complain when they believe an injustice has taken place - here students complain when they suspect they have failed - in fact any student who complains probably has failed and they are performing their own version of historical determinism in order to make it clear that it must surely be apparent, only the teachers can be responsible for failure.
Someone else always has to be responsible.
The dour Scottish response "Did you do the work?" falls on deaf ears. What do the work? You mean attempt to speak English simply because it is on my course!
You put punctuation in there - we've never had a lesson on punctuation so that can't be right.
Dream on.
Perhaps it's the lack of certain green vegetables, but January seems to be the period when moaning reaches 747 noise levels here. Having spent the best part of a week preparing the sort of English exam that a five year old child could past, and despite providing them with all of the material prior to the exam and having an open book exam - some of them were still moaning.
Of course, no student in my experience in Britain ever complained to me personally that an exam was more difficult than it should have been but that's because students only complain when they believe an injustice has taken place - here students complain when they suspect they have failed - in fact any student who complains probably has failed and they are performing their own version of historical determinism in order to make it clear that it must surely be apparent, only the teachers can be responsible for failure.
Someone else always has to be responsible.
The dour Scottish response "Did you do the work?" falls on deaf ears. What do the work? You mean attempt to speak English simply because it is on my course!
You put punctuation in there - we've never had a lesson on punctuation so that can't be right.
Dream on.
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