Yesterday we rose early at 6:30 am because we had to drive to Memmingen to see and photograph the Fischertag. The Fischer tag is one of those fantastic festivals that has been preserved from the medieval times and like so many other German towns and cities, the festival is special for the people of Memmingen.
“We can go to the Fischer tag and it can be a photojournalism feature for you. It must be worthwhile – only happens once a year,” Susi had said the previous day.
“So it’s only the men born in Memmingen who can take part?” I asked Susi, probably for the fifth time.
“Only if they are born in the Memmingen Hospital,” she said.
I was tempted to ask what the situation was for home births, but before I could she added
“and they have to be a member of the fischer club as well.”
The basic principle is quite simple. On a specific day in July the men of Memmingen who fulfil the above criteria, having spent the entire previous evening drinking until dawn, line the banks of the riv...
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